Omar Elabdellaouis vanskelige farvel: – Skriver dette med tårer i øynene

I et innlegg på Instagram bekrefter landslagets Omar Elabdellaoui (28) at han er ferdig i den greske storklubben Olympiakos.

OLYMPIAKOS-FARVEL: Det er fortsatt ikke klart hvor Omar Elabdellaoui fortsetter karrieren. Foto: Lindsey Parnaby / AFP
OLYMPIAKOS-FARVEL: Det er fortsatt ikke klart hvor Omar Elabdellaoui fortsetter karrieren. Foto: Lindsey Parnaby / AFP

Europaliga-exiten for Wolverhampton ble Omar Elabdellaouis siste kamp for Olympiakos, bekrefter landslagsspilleren på Instagram lørdag.

28-åringen skriver at det er det vanskeligste innlegget han har skrevet.

– Nå er tida inne for å skille lag, og jeg skriver dette med tårer i øynene. Ord kan ikke beskrive hvor privilegert jeg har vært som har fått spille og være kaptein for dette laget, skriver Elabdellaoui på Instagram.

– De siste seks årene har vært et eventyr. Og jeg kommer til å minnes alt jeg har opplevd, fortsetter Oslo-gutten.

Det er fortsatt ikke kjent hvor Elabdellaoui fortsetter karrieren.

– Det jeg kan bekrefte er at Omar er ferdig i Olympiakos og ser tilbake på seks gode år som akkumulerte i at han avslutter som kaptein. Akkurat nå bruker Omar tiden til refleksjon før et klubbvalg blir gjort. Jeg og hans bror reiser ned til Athen i neste uke. En avgjørelse vil nok bli tatt i neste uke, sier Elabdellaouis agent, Mikail Adampour, til TV 2.

Høyrebacken har vært i Olympiakos siden 2014. I 2017 var han utlånt til Hull, der det bare ble åtte kamper og sesongen endte med nedrykk.

Se dette innlegget på Instagram

This is the most difficult post I have ever made. First of all: It has been an honor to be the captain for this massive club - Especially this season where we had the best season in recent history. 
 I would like to dedicate this last post as a token of gratitude:
 Thanks to this club some of my biggest dreams as an athlete has come true. I’ve won championships, cup trophies, played in Europe and the captain of a top club in Europe. Now the time to part ways has come and I am writing this with tears in my eyes. Words cannot describe how privileged I have been to play and captain this team. The last 6 years have been an amazing adventure. And I will cherish every moment of it. 
 I have to give my thanks to the president for his continued trust in me - No man has worked harder for this club and your everlasting love serves as an inspiration to anyone with love for Olympiakos. The coaches for helping me develop as a footballer - Especially Pedro Martins and his staff that has helped me become the player I am today. And thank you to my teammates, what a journey this has been - I couldn’t be more proud of what we have achieved together over the last years. 
And to the rest of the staff in the organization that I have not mentioned: you deserve the highest praise: I have not forgotten you And I will always remember you This club as an organization deserves more praise than what this post can give, but I am forever grateful for everything you have given me over the last 6 years - both on and off the pitch. I have made friends for life and memories I will cherish forever. Olympiakos and Athens will always be close to my heart: I came as a young player, but I leave as a fan. Thank you. 
 Finally to the fans: I really cannot thank you enough. You have supported us through thick and thin. You have been the 12th man. Words cannot describe what you mean to me and the team. Thank you for these years. I know we will meet again in the future. @olympiacosfc

Et innlegg delt av Omar Elabdellaoui (@omarelabdellaoui)

(©NTB/TV 2)